frutta - fruit


Em relação às linhas de processamento de frutas, nós temos tecnologia para o processamento de todos os tipos de frutas: continental, tropical, temperadas, com avelã, sem avelã e frutas cítricas.
Os produtos finais são puré (com extração a frio ou tradicional), sucos naturais, concentrados, pasteurizados ou assépticos.

Double effect falling film evaporator for papaya, guava, mango, puree, pomegranate juice and grape juice.
Turbulent thin film evaporator mod. VJ 57 for very high viscosity product

Scraped surface pasteurizer
Formulates preparation line with rotary coil evaporator
Spiral Cooler with inlet tunnel to mantain temperature for 5-10 kg bags or 5 kg stand-up pouches. Capacity about 1700 containers per hour
Spiral Cooler with inlet tunnel to mantain temperature for 5-10 kg bags or 5 kg stand-up pouches. Capacity about 1700 containers per hour
Jam with pieces production line
De-aeration group
Aseptic sterilizer
Spiral water pasteurizer - cooler – dryer tunnel for cups 114 – 128 gr
Holding mixing vat for product with pieces and for mayo and mustard
Under Vacuum Cutter for vegetable creams production with cart elevator
Ketchup dosing – mixing unit
C.I.P. System
Ketchup and Jam production line
Pectine preparation group

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